+263 242 485100-02   info@extremefire.co.zw


A result -driven NFPA Certified Fire Protection Specialist with over 30+ years of experience designing fire safety systems for commercial and public buildings. Diploma in Draughting & Design Technology – Mechanical Engineering. CIBSE Certificate in continuing professional development (CPD) in Fire Sprinkler Systems to BS EN 12845 (The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers - UK) Skilled in developing solutions to maximise safety, efficiency and cost effectiveness. Highly skilled in identifying potential fire hazards, developing fire protection strategies, and ensuring compliance with relevant safety codes and regulations. Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities, coupled with excellent communication and interpersonal skills, allow for seamless collaboration with cross-functional teams and effective coordination with local authorities. Committed to continuously enhancing fire safety and delivering innovative solutions to mitigate risk and protect lives and property.

He is also a member of (NFPA & SFPE) - USA (FPA, CIBSE and ASFP) - UK

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